Help Reduce Plastic Pollution & Save Our Precious Oceans
A mind-boggling 11 million metric tons of plastic waste ends up in the ocean every year! If we don’t take urgent action, it’s estimated that plastic production will triple by 2040. Today almost every species group in the ocean has encountered plastic pollution, with scientists observing negative effects in almost 90% of assessed species.
Most Australians try to do the right thing. But big companies like Coke, Nestle and Unilever keep pushing plastic on us. It’s time for the government to take action. Right now, Australia’s government is considering new laws on plastic packaging. This is our chance to stop plastic pollution at the source and save animal lives – but they won’t do it unless they know the majority of Australians support action.
Please sign our petition and pledge your support.
Kylie elliott Kylie elliott 4 days ago
signed Help Reduce Plastic Pollution & Save Our Precious Oceans
I want big brands to act and reduce the plastic they produce