Category: Causes


Opportunities emerge for a better world

There is a lot going on in the world at the moment. But among the chaos and uncertainty, a theme is emerging. Opportunities are shaping up and showing us the way forward for the planet and humanity. We wanted to share our take with you.

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Logging made our bushfires worse

Logging of native forests increases the risk and severity of fire. New research shows that it’s likely to have had a profound effect on our recent bushfires – adding to the devastation that started late last year. Read the full story here.

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Supporting artists during COVID-19

Imagine what a red-hot mess we’d be without artists. Music, series, books and films – it’s been a lifeline these past few months. But for artists, Netflix and Spotify royalties don’t pay the bills. Time for us to get behind our artists and support them.

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Fighting the decline of our mental wellbeing

These last few months haven’t been easy on anyone. But for those with mental health struggles, it has been devastating. Support services are inundated with calls for help while experts warn of a second wave – not of COVID-19 infections but of a mental health crisis. There doesn’t seem to be a lot to be cheery about. Or is there?

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Guarding the freedom of media

Investigative journalism is in under threat. Australia has slipped five places to 26th in Reporters Without Borders’ annual World Press Freedom Index. The report cites last year’s Australian Federal Police raids targeting reporters and cost-cutting in the industry as threats to public interest journalism.

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Off the street but with nowhere to go

Resolving Australia’s homeless crisis never seemed likely. But the arrival of COVID-19 meant rough sleepers were moved off the street in a matter of days. All it took was a consented effort by local governments, charities and the private sector. What happens next will determine the future of the many homeless now stuck in limbo.

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How will charities get by?

With donations falling dramatically, charities are facing major fundraising challenges. Many rely on annual events and face-to-face fundraising to raise their annual funds. Now, with pretty much all charities cancelling scheduled events, gaping holes are appearing in bank accounts. How are they going to get by?

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Flame to burn bright among cancelled Anzac Day services

For the first time since World War II, Anzac Day services have been cancelled across the nation. Social distancing measures mean there will be no crowds, no marches and no two-up games. This year, Australians will pay their respects to those who should not be forgotten in a different way.

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Party for the planet

Today (Wednesday 22 April) marks Earth Day’s 50th birthday and four years since the landmark Paris Agreement was signed. While organisers had to cancel the scheduled mega march, they have managed to move the three-day live event online. Featuring everyone from Zac Efron to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, there will be plenty of inspiration and entertainment to be had…

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Coronavirus: impact on the environment

With a third of the world’s population in lockdown, the environment is getting a well-deserved break. Countries are reporting falls in emissions of as much as 40% and we see urban centres taken over by wildlife. It is a welcome break from the coronavirus horror stories. The question is, how can we make it last?

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Tide in the affairs of men

Bushfires and COVID-19 – only four months into the new decade our old normal has gone forever. While we’re stumbling into the future, opportunities are appearing among the chaos: declining carbon emissions and people everywhere are stepping up to look after our most vulnerable. What is next for our world?

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Helping vulnerable people key to overcoming pandemic

While most of us have gone into lockdown, charities have done the opposite by ramping up services to help those affected by COVID-19. Having come to terms with dwindling donations and a disappearing volunteer base, many are now facing the strange new world head on.

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